Sentai Red Anime Adaptation Announced for January 2025

The popular manga series “Sentai Red” by Chūji Mitsuya is getting an anime adaptation, set to premiere in January 2025. The announcement comes with a slew of reveals, including the cast, staff, teaser visual, and teaser PV.


The series follows the story of Shō Arikawa, a hero who is transported to another world after a battle with an enemy. In this new world, he becomes known as “Red” and joins forces with a mage named Idola to form a party and embark on adventures.


  • Shō Arikawa/Red: Played by Tomohisa Iketani
  • Idola: Played by Kōki Uchiyama
  • Tertina Liz Wargrey Avalrost: Played by Minami Tanaka
  • Rouji Mist: Played by Taito Ban


  • Director: Keiichiro Kawaguchi
  • Series Composition: Atsuhiko Tomioka
  • Main Character Design/Chief Animation Director: Shūji Maruyama
  • Music: Kōichirō Kameyama
  • Animation Production: Satellite

Teaser Visual and PV

The teaser visual features the main characters in their respective outfits, with Red donning his iconic red suit. The teaser PV gives a glimpse into the action-packed adventures that await in the anime.

Comments from the Cast and Staff

The cast and staff have shared their excitement and thoughts on the anime adaptation. Tomohisa Iketani, who plays Red, expressed his gratitude to the fans and promised to deliver a passionate performance. Keiichiro Kawaguchi, the director, shared his enthusiasm for the project, saying it’s a dream come true to work on a series that combines his love for heroes and fantasy.

To celebrate the anime adaptation, a campaign is underway, where fans can follow the official Twitter account and retweet a specific post to win a special poster.

Stay tuned for more updates on “Sentai Red”!

Source: Comics Natalie

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